
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

February 29th, 2024|Places|

An Unforgettable Journey Venture into the vast expanse of the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, a destination that promises a unique and unforgettable journey. Although reaching this remote wilderness may pose challenges, the rewards for[...]

The Kodiak Crab Festival

February 10th, 2024|Events|

This year's Kodiak Crab Festival: May 23-27th, 2024 The Kodiak Crab Festival is an annual event organized by the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce for the benefit of the Kodiak, Alaska community. This festival serves[...]


January 18th, 2024|History|

Nurturing Communities and Trade for Over a Century ANICA's roots trace back long before Alaska attained statehood in 1959. It was in the early 1900s, at the dawn of that century, when Indigenous communities[...]

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