Tikahtnu – The Ocean River
Cook Inlet Cook Inlet, called Tikahtnu in the Tanaina language and Cungaaciq in the Sugpiaq language, spans 180 miles from the Gulf of Alaska to Anchorage. The waters here are a mixture of[...]
Whispers of the Chocolate Lily
The Fritillaria camschatcensis, widely recognized under names such as the chocolate lily, Kamchatka fritillary, wild rice, or northern rice root, is a perennial plant native to a range of habitats, from moist coastal environments[...]
Cape Krusenstern National Monument
A Historical 540,000 Acre Monument of the Arctic Stretching gracefully for 70 miles along the Chukchi Sea lies Cape Krusenstern National Monument, an isolated expanse of wilderness nestled in Alaska's Arctic realm. Offering panoramic vistas[...]
The Majestic Brooks Falls of Katmailand National Park
Alaska's Katmai National Park and Preserve Initially founded as a haven for anglers, the retreat known as the lodge started its operations in 1950. Continuous improvements to both the primary lodge and the dining[...]